Navitas Pure Organic Barley Review: Is It Worth the Hype?

Navitas Pure Organic Barley Review: Is It Worth the Hype?


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As a nutrition and health enthusiast, I am always on the lookout for whole food products to boost my wellness. Barley grass powder has been on my radar for some time due to its dense nutritional profile and alkalizing effects. When I came across Navitas Organics’ Pure Organic Barley Powder, I was intrigued by the promise of young barley grass harvested at peak nutrition. However, with so many supplements on the market making big claims, I wanted to try it for myself to determine if this barley grass powder lives up to the hype. After testing Navitas Organics’ Pure Organic Barley Powder for several weeks, here is my honest review and whether I think this barley grass powder is worth investing in for your health and wellness.

What Is Navitas Pure Organic Barley?

Navitas Pure Organic Barley is a nutritional supplement made from young barley grass. As an organic, non-GMO product, Navitas Pure Organic Barley aims to provide the nutritional benefits of barley grass in a convenient powder form.

Barley grass is the soft, green sprout of the barley plant. It is naturally high in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and antioxidants. Proponents claim barley grass helps boost immunity, improve digestion, increase energy levels, and promote healthy skin and hair.

Nutritional Profile

Navitas Pure Organic Barley is rich in vitamins A, C, E, K and B vitamins like folate and B12. It also contains essential minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Barley grass is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids our bodies need. It is also high in chlorophyll, a potent antioxidant, and contains digestive enzymes like superoxide dismutase which may aid digestion.

How to Use

The recommended dosage of Navitas Pure Organic Barley is 1 teaspoon (3 grams) mixed into water, juice, or your favorite smoothie once daily. As with any supplement, you should consult your doctor before use, especially if pregnant, nursing or on any medications. For some, barley grass may cause symptoms like nausea or diarrhea, especially when first starting out. It is best to start with a small amount and gradually increase to the recommended dosage as your body adjusts.

In summary, Navitas Pure Organic Barley aims to provide an easy way to gain the nutritional benefits of barley grass. However, more research is still needed to determine if barley grass lives up to the hype and provides real health advantages when consumed in supplement form. As with any product, results will vary from person to person based on factors like diet, health conditions, and dosage.

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Navitas Pure Organic Barley Review: Benefits and Nutrition

As an organic green superfood powder, Navitas Pure Organic Barley Grass Powder is marketed as a nutritious supplement. In this review, I evaluate the nutritional benefits and consider whether the hype around this product is warranted.

Nutritional Benefits

Navitas Organic Barley Grass Powder is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and plant-based nutrients. Some of the main benefits include:

  • Vitamin A (as beta-carotene): Important for vision, immune function and healthy skin.
  • Vitamin C: Acts as an antioxidant and supports the immune system.
  • Vitamin K: Important for blood clotting and bone health.
  • Copper and iron: Important for red blood cell production and preventing anemia.
  • Manganese: Important for bone health and metabolism.
  • Antioxidants: Barley grass contains antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and provide anti-inflammatory effects.

The powder also contains fiber, amino acids, enzymes and chlorophyll which may help improve digestion, increase energy and alkalize the body. The diverse range of nutrients in barley grass provides a variety of benefits for overall health and wellness.

Is it Worth the Hype?

While barley grass powder does contain a wide array of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial plant compounds, the evidence for many of the health claims is limited. The nutrient content can also vary between different barley grass products. However, when consumed as part of a balanced diet, Navitas Organic Barley Grass Powder and similar supplements are unlikely to cause harm and may provide some nutritional benefits, especially for those with restricted diets or difficulty consuming enough greens. For most people following a normal diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, barley grass powder is not essential and may be an unnecessary expense.

In summary, Navitas Organic Barley Grass Powder can be a convenient way to boost your nutrient intake but may be overhyped as a must-have superfood supplement. For the average person, the benefits can likely be achieved through a balanced nutritious diet with plenty of leafy greens and other whole foods. But as an organic green powder, it is a safe and natural option for those wanting the convenience and potential benefits of barley grass.

How to Use Navitas Pure Organic Barley

As the founder of a health and wellness company, I am always on the lookout for high-quality, organic supplements to improve vitality and overall well-being. Navitas Pure Organic Barley caught my attention as a nutrient-dense superfood worth exploring. Here is how I have incorporated it into my daily routine:

Mix Into Smoothies

Navitas Pure Organic Barley powder blends seamlessly into smoothies. I add one tablespoon to my morning berry smoothie, which provides fiber, protein, and a natural nutty flavor. The barley powder mixes invisibly but adds nutritional value.

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Make a Nutritious Porridge

For a warm, comforting breakfast, I cook the barley powder with plant-based milk and top it with fruit, nuts, and honey. To prepare the porridge, whisk one part barley powder and four parts milk or milk alternative in a saucepan. Gently heat while stirring frequently until it reaches your desired consistency. The barley porridge is creamy and satisfying, keeping me full for hours.

Add to Yogurt or Oatmeal

As a topping for yogurt, oatmeal, or granola, the barley powder provides an extra boost of nutrients. Simply sprinkle one to two tablespoons over your bowl and mix in. The powder seamlessly blends in while remaining undetectable in flavor. This is an easy way to enrich an already healthy breakfast or snack.


With regular use, I have noticed several benefits of Navitas Pure Organic Barley. It is a source of plant-based protein with 8 grams per serving. It provides fiber to support digestion and contains iron, magnesium and B vitamins. The powder is also alkalizing and helps balance pH levels. Navitas Pure Organic Barley is certified organic, non-GMO and vegan.

In summary, Navitas Pure Organic Barley is a versatile superfood powder with nutritional benefits for overall health and wellness. By incorporating it into my daily diet, I aim to boost vitality and continue my company’s mission of providing the highest quality health products and information. For those seeking an easy way to improve nutrition, Navitas Pure Organic Barley is worth exploring.

Is Navitas Pure Organic Barley Safe and Legit?

As with any supplement, it’s important to consider whether Navitas Pure Organic Barley is safe and from a reputable company. After reviewing Navitas Pure Organic Barley, I found no evidence that would raise concerns about its safety or legitimacy.

Product Purity and Quality

Navitas Pure Organic Barley is certified organic by the USDA and non-GMO verified by the Non-GMO Project. The barley used in the powder comes from a cooperative of over 900 family farms in the fertile Sacramento Valley of northern California. Navitas states that the barley is slowly milled at low temperatures to preserve nutrients. They also claim the barley is tested for heavy metals and microbiological safety.

Manufacturing Standards

Navitas Pure Organic Barley is manufactured in a SQF Level 2 certified facility. SQF is a globally recognized food safety certification program. Navitas states their facility follows Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and that all equipment and surfaces are sanitized and sterilized. Employees also undergo safety training. These standards provide reassurance that hygiene, quality control, and safety procedures are in place during manufacturing.

Company Reputation

Navitas Organics, the maker of Navitas Pure Organic Barley, was founded in 2003 and is based in Novato, California. They specialize in organic, nutrient-dense superfoods and claim to source ingredients sustainably and give back to farming communities. Navitas seems to have a good reputation and currently has an A rating on the Better Business Bureau website, though without many reviews.

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In summary, Navitas Pure Organic Barley appears to be produced by a legitimate company using organic, non-GMO ingredients in a certified safe manufacturing facility. However, as with any product, individuals should evaluate it based on their own needs and circumstances. For most people focused on health and nutrition, Navitas Pure Organic Barley could be worth trying.

Navitas Pure Organic Barley Review: Final Verdict

My Final Verdict

After reviewing Navitas Pure Organic Barley, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, the product contains organic barley grass powder, which provides a nutritious blend of vitamins, minerals, protein, and antioxidants. The company also has high standards for quality and purity.

However, the hype around barley grass powder may be overblown. While barley grass provides nutrients, there is little evidence it provides unique health benefits beyond what you would get from a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. The claims made by Navitas and other barley grass powder brands are not scientifically substantiated.

For the price, Navitas Pure Organic Barley does not seem worth it to me. You can likely get the same nutrients from more affordable sources. I would only consider this as a supplement if you have a diagnosed deficiency or medical need.

In summary, Navitas produces a high-quality organic barley grass powder product. However, the evidence for its health benefits is lacking, especially given the high cost. I cannot recommend Navitas Pure Organic Barley for most people looking to improve their nutrition and wellness. There are more affordable ways to get the nutrients you need from whole foods and basic supplements.

Unless you have a specific medical reason for needing barley grass powder, save your money. Focus instead on eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. That is the best approach for supporting your health and well-being.


In conclusion, Navitas Pure Organic Barley shows promise as a nutritious superfood powder supplement, but may not live up to all of the hype surrounding it. As an organic, non-GMO product with a simple, natural ingredients list, it does fit well with current health trends focusing on whole foods and plant-based nutrition. However, the high cost and limited scientific evidence for some of the claimed benefits like improved immunity and digestion are reasons to be skeptical. For some, the convenience and nutrition of a product like this may be appealing. But for others looking to boost health in a cost-effective way, whole barley and other whole grains may be a better option. As with any supplement, it is best to do thorough research, consult your doctor, and determine if the potential benefits are right for your needs and budget. The hype around superfoods can often outpace the reality.

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